What is Synovetin OA®?
Tin-117m, the active ingredient in Synovetin OA, has been shown to slow OA progression in rodent models

Learn More: see the poster presented the society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual conference.
Synovetin OA is a first-line choice best used in early OA management to relieve the pain and help preserve the health of the joint.

Up to 1 full year of relief with just 1 simple, safe treatment
Compared with other canine OA treatments that require daily or monthly dosing, Synovetin OA is a convenient option that also eliminates compliance problems.

Peer reviewed, published data prove up to 1 year of relief with just 1 treatment4-6
Synovetin OA provides increasing pain relief and improved mobility over a year, yet with no active tin-117m remaining in the joint.

*Overall treatment success based on a composite of force plate, Canine Brief Pain Index (CBPI), and clinician assessments for the label dose.

Exceptionally safe with no systemic side effects— so you can treat with confidence4,7

No effect on bone, cartilage, ligaments, or other joint structures

No systemic distribution with no systemic or adverse events

CBC and serum chemistry values remained within normal limits

Blood, urine, and fecal counts show >99.1% is retained in the injected joint
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