What is Canine Osteoarthritis

Dogs can get arthritis in their joints just like people

Veterinarians refer to this condition as degenerative joint disease in dogs or canine osteoarthritis (OA). It is a very common cause of limping and lameness in dogs. In fact, roughly 25% of all adult dogs in the US have osteoarthritis.

Stylized graphic showing arthritis pain in dog joint

Dog osteoarthritis in the elbow is extremely common and very painful

  • It often starts at a young age and can be caused by abnormal development of the elbow joint bones, stress on joints, or injuries
  • It results in limping and lameness in dogs
  • Daily pain relievers, like NSAIDs, are often needed as early as 2 years of age
  • Fewer than half of all treated dogs have satisfactory long-term recovery
  • The most popular breeds are often affected, including Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers

Synovetin OA® is a different kind of treatment for canine arthritis.

Digram showing the cycle of synivitis, cartilage desctruction and inflammation and pain of canine osteoarthritis

Joint inflammation causes a vicious and destructive cycle

The cycle begins when the tissue that lines the joint becomes inflamed. This inflammation is called “synovitis.”

In response, your dog’s immune system overreacts and begins producing certain substances to combat the inflammation. However, the overproduction of these substances actually results in damage to the cartilage that protects the bones of the joint.

This “vicious cycle” is what ultimately results in the chronic pain, inflammation, and disability of dog osteoarthritis.

If canine elbow osteoarthritis isn’t treated, it gets worse over time

Because dogs don’t readily show signs of pain, a dog that is noticeably limping has been dealing with steadily increasing pain that has now become severe enough for you to observe.

This is due to the fact that, as arthritis in dogs progresses, it causes the elbow joint bones to rub against each other. This can cause severe pain and cause your dog to limp.

Canine Arthritis Management
Canine Arthritis Management

Some of the signs of dog joint pain include…

  • Having difficulty going up and down stairs
  • Lacking enthusiasm or lagging behind on runs and walks
  • Losing interest in leaping and jumping for favorite balls
  • Having trouble hopping in and out of your car
  • Limping and lameness in dogs
  • Vocalizing (crying or whimpering)

You might also notice that your dog can’t easily jump on and off furniture, struggles to get up after lying down, has trouble walking on slick floors, or even seems aggressive when handled.

Another sign of dog arthritis is a decrease in enthusiasm that is often mistaken as just “old age.” However, it may actually be arthritis pain, so be sure to tell your veterinarian about a drop in enthusiasm.

Canine Arthritis Management

Take a Canine Arthritis Pain Questionnaire

Answer a few questions to see if your dog has the signs of dog arthritis.

Canine Arthritis Management

Take a Canine Arthritis Pain Questionnaire

Answer a few questions to see if your dog has the signs of dog arthritis.

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