About Synovetin OA®

Happy Bulldog with Tongue Out

With Synovetin OA, 1 treatment is all it takes to give your dog up to 1 full year of relief.

Synovetin OA is dosed directly into the elbow joint, right where the pain is. There, it targets the source of inflammation that leads to pain and causes your dog to limp.

Synovetin OA is unique in that it treats only the affected joint(s) and is not absorbed into your dog’s body like traditional dog arthritis treatments. You can be confident that treatment with Synovetin OA is safe for relieving arthritis pain in dogs.

Canine Arthritis Management

Up to 1 full year of relief

Canine Arthritis Management

Treats only affected joints

Canine Arthritis Management

Overall treatment success

You can also rest assured that Synovetin OA has been proven highly effective in clinical studies of dogs with elbow osteoarthritis.

Overall treatment success

You can also rest assured that Synovetin OA has been proven highly effective in clinical studies of dogs with elbow osteoarthritis.

Canine Arthritis Management

Synovetin OA® is a unique way to treat dog joint pain

It’s not an NSAID pill or chew that you have to remember to give daily. And it’s not joint surgery that may require long recovery.

It’s a simple, safe, fast, non-surgical dog arthritis injection. In almost all cases, your dog can go home with you the same day.

Synovetin OA® is available at veterinary hospitals across the US.

Canine Arthritis Management

Take a Canine Arthritis Pain Questionnaire

Answer a few questions to see if your dog has the signs of dog arthritis.

Canine Arthritis Management

Take a Canine Arthritis Pain Assessment

Answer a few questions to see if your dog has the signs of dog arthritis.

Ask your family veterinarian about Synovetin OA® for your dog.

Important Information about Synovetin OA®.

This treatment can only be given by veterinarians at hospitals licensed in nuclear medicine. Temporary discomfort in the treated elbow of some dogs has been reported. Pet owners are provided instructions to moderate proximity to the treated joint for a short period of time following treatment. For more information, talk with your veterinarian or visit activedognow.com/cpinfo.